Why “Eat My Dust”?
Why did I name my brand "Eat My Dust"? Do I want to provoke with it? Do I want to challenge someone with it? The answer is clearly NO! Behind "Eat My Dust" is nothing more or less than the story of how I became an adventure bike rider. In the first years of
The thing with the LockBlock
As some of you may have noticed, we had a mounting system with adapter plate in the beginning, but then two things happened
Latest & Greatest
Covid hit all of us hard. No freedom. No border crossings. Nobody was prepared for this. I’m still alone struggling with the difficulties everyone has to face. Trying to keep all costs quite low and wait until the situation clears out I had a lot of time to think about the next steps. The adventure
New Onboard
It all started early in 2020 when I left my job because I needed some changes in my life and met a guy who offered me a part time job selling motorcycle parts. I started as distributor for outback motortek and my step from only riding motorcycle to join motorcycle business began. It